Mike Neary has lived in Terre Haute off and on for 30 years. He enjoys painting from observation and also painting invented figure compositions. He hasn’t decided which practice is more interesting to do or which results are more interesting to look at. He’d like to integrate the two approaches but hasn’t figured that out yet.

Alley, Terre Haute

Oil on Canvas

25” x 30”


Caucasians on Parade

Oil on Canvas

36” x 69”


Caledonia St, Butte

Oil on Canvas

23” x 35”


Backyard, Lebanon PM

Oil on Canvas

24” x 37”


Backyard, Lebanon

Oil on Canvas

24” x 25”


Walnut and 6th St.

Oil on Canvas

23” x 42”


St. Bens

Oil on Canvas

24” x 36”


Hat Trickery

Oil on Canvas

40” x 71”


Informed? Citizenry

Oil on Canvas

27” x 43”
