12 Points Public Market — Rooted in Community

Terre Haute has always been home for Pat and Marti Goodwin. Their passion for their hometown has led them to become involved in many facets of their community. After years of involvement in the 12 Points Revitalization Initiative, even serving as president, Pat resolved not only to lead in neighborhood improvements but to invest in them as well.

Upon visiting other cities with public markets – Milwaukee, Boston, Indianapolis – Pat and Marti decided to bring the experience to their hometown of Terre Haute, Indiana. 12 Points seemed like the perfect location! Over the past few years, the historic neighborhood has experienced a boost in both business and community. A market of this kind serves as a multipurpose space for this community to gather.

12 Points Public Market features multiple local food vendors, live entertainment, community activities, and more. Whether you’re looking for a place to study with classmates, relax with friends over a glass of wine, or grab dinner with your family, 12 Points Public Market is the place to be!